How to read textbook for UPSC exam: although preparing for the UPSC Mains can be challenging, reading and understanding the extensive amount of material that is covered in the syllabus is one of the key components of exam preparation. It takes a lot of reading to pass the UPSC civil services exam. Candidates occasionally fail to pass the exam despite reading all the suggested books. This is so that the UPSC exam candidates can read the textbooks in a specific way.
A cursory reading won’t cut it for the UPSC exam because there are specific requirements. Additionally, memorizing and reading the lines will not be of any assistance. Reading textbooks requires a different approach than reading for pleasure or other purposes, which is why they are such an important part of the UPSC preparation process.
We’ll go over some strategies for reading textbooks efficiently for the UPSC exam in this blog.
What should you read for the UPSC?
Before talking about how to read for UPSC Mains, let’s try to comprehend what needs to be read. There will be NINE papers to complete for the main exam, per the current pattern. There are “FOUR” general studies papers that must be completed in order to pass, and “ONE” optional subject that consists of two additional papers, an essay paper, language and English papers, and so on.
It’s a heavy load, so make sure you read enough to get ready to write answers of the descriptive variety. It would be best to start by concentrating on each subject’s syllabus. The best approach would be to identify the essential components of the syllabus rather than being overly ambitious and trying to cover the entire curriculum. This can be achieved by reviewing the question papers from the previous year and scanning for the key topics from which questions are frequently posed. The general rule is to first cut out 30% of the syllabus that is typically out of focus and focus on 70% of the syllabus that is always in focus.
Importance of NCERT Books in UPSC Preparation
Effective textbook reading strategies for the UPSC exam
Starting early is typically a good idea because of the extensive UPSC syllabus and the short amount of time available in the later portions of the Civil Services Exam. That doesn’t imply that a student who wants to go for an IAS interview should begin with thick UPSC textbooks in Standard 4.
However, a strategy in line with UPSC preparation will undoubtedly be helpful. Since they will be more prepared and oriented when they actually step foot in UPSC waters, a long-term strategy may help many candidates save valuable youth years.
1. Scrutinise the textbook
It is important to have an understanding of the material covered in the textbook before beginning to read. Table of contents, preface, introduction, and index are good places to start. You will get a sense of the subjects that are covered in the textbook and how they are presented from this. Based on the syllabus for the UPSC Mains, you can also decide which topics are most crucial and organize your reading accordingly.
2. Section-by-Section Break Down the Textbook
It is simpler to read and understand a textbook if it is divided into smaller sections. Read each chapter or section of the textbook thoroughly before moving on to the next one. This will improve your memory of the material and make studying and revising simpler for you.
3. Make notes
Reading textbooks for the Upsc Mains and taking notes are both crucial. Making notes improves your memory and makes it simpler to revise later. As you read, jot down the key ideas, definitions, and points. Make your notes more manageable and simple to review later by organising them with headings, bullet points, and diagrams.
4. Utilise active reading strategies.
Active reading techniques involve actively and critically interacting with the text. This improves your comprehension of the subject and increases your memory retention. Among the active reading strategies are:
- Highlighting and underlining: Use a highlighter to draw attention to important phrases, sentences, and paragraphs, or use an underliner. This will make it simpler to review the material later and help you identify the most crucial details.
- Asking questions: As you read, ask yourself questions about the content. This encourages active and critical engagement with the material. How essential is the next concept, for instance? or “How does this idea fit into the bigger picture?”
- Summarising: As you read, summarise what you have read. You will comprehend the information more clearly and remember it for longer thanks to this. Make an effort to condense each paragraph or section into a few sentences.
- Making connections: Draw parallels between the information you are reading and other ideas you have studied. This improves your comprehension of the subject and increases your memory retention.
5. Utilize visualisation methods
Using visualisation techniques, you can better understand and remember information by conjuring up images or diagrams in your head. Several methods of visualisation include:
- Mind maps: Mind maps are diagrams that can be used to visually organise information. Make a mind map of the ideas covered in the textbook using a blank sheet of paper. You’ll be able to connect ideas more clearly and retain the knowledge more easily as a result.
- Diagrams and flowcharts: Use flowcharts and diagrams to help you visualise challenging ideas. To illustrate the concepts covered in the textbook, create flowcharts or diagrams. You’ll comprehend the information more clearly and retain it for longer if you do this.
6. Review frequently
Regular revision is a crucial component of the UPSC preparation process. Every week, set aside some time to go over the reading you’ve done. Review the data using your notes, mind maps, and diagrams. This will improve your memory of the material and make it simpler for you to recall it during the exam.
7. Read aloud:
Doing so will help you concentrate better and prevent mental distractions. People use to remember things that they hear all the time. Thus, reading aloud has two benefits. improve your focus and memory. But reading will take longer as a result. This approach will yield more accurate results when calculating total reading time. Progress and consistency are what win the race.
Major Areas of Focus for IAS Preparation
Can you pass the UPSC Mains in a year? It is, indeed. By concentrating on the crucial components of the exam syllabus, you can master your IAS preparation. An aspirant can be helped to complete the task by following some simple advice.
For IAS preparation, you should pay particular attention to the following:
Current Affairs
It is suggested that candidates regularly read the newspaper to stay informed about their surroundings. This practice can be carried out by visiting various websites, reading books and magazines about current events, etc. To receive daily updates, download mobile applications. These are some of the ways to stay current on the problems and circumstances facing the nation today.
Mock examinations
The most dependable and authenticated sources to get a feel for the paper are previous year’s question papers and sample papers. By providing an idea of the structure and level of difficulty of the paper, solving various types of papers teaches a candidate to manage their time effectively. These practice exams serve as a benchmark to evaluate understanding and strengthen preparation.
Keeping notes handy
The candidate will benefit from having a quick recap, aiding in memorization, and simple revision prior to the exam by taking notes and writing down key points. It is a useful revision strategy.
Getting Adequate Sleep
Candidates should pay attention to their sleep schedule in addition to their studies and a regular schedule. It should be noted that sleep deprivation has no positive effects. To keep your mind alert and available for ingestion, get enough sleep. Sleep is essential for increasing energy and concentration.
According to the above tips and overview, a candidate can pass the IAS exam in a year. They just have to work really hard if they want to succeed. They must remain committed to their objectives. The following are some suggestions for candidates who want to complete their IAS preparation in a year. It is more important to work methodically than to work nonstop. You can undoubtedly achieve greatness with a solid plan and subsequent actions. During this time, you can finish the entire syllabus and ace the test.
Gaining strong reading abilities is crucial for success in a variety of spheres of life, such as education, employment, and personal development. Readers can increase their comprehension, retention, and analysis of the content by using effective reading techniques like active reading, skimming, scanning, and critical reading. Additionally, it’s critical to make reading a regular habit in order to broaden one’s perspective, comprehension, and knowledge. Anyone can improve their reading abilities and enjoy the advantages of better reading skills with commitment, practice, and a willingness to learn.